My 2022 Resolutions | Spring Update | My Resolutions for 2022 | Health Goals | Food Goals | Book Goals |

I said back in my original 2022 Resolutions blog post that I wanted to check back in a few times over the year to see if I actually had kept up with any of my resolutions and its been about 3 months so I thought now would be a good time to do that! There seems to be something in pretty much every category and honestly some things that were forgotten about. But another good thing about checking back in with this list is to be reminded of the things that I wanted to stay on top of! SO, I will quit rambling and just get to it!

  1. Eat 2 fruits and 3 veggies each day - I can’t say that I know for a fact that I ate 2 fruits and 3 veggies a day but I know that because I made this one of my goals, I ate more fruits and veggies. This goal definitely helps because I make a more conscious decision to eat veggies with our dinners every night. Plus adding carrots or apple with peanut butter to my lunch instead of chips also helps! Initially in this goal I wanted to also meal prep my lunches but now instead I just make a more conscious decision {usually when I am eating breakfast} to decide what I am making for lunch and see if it takes any prep and then that helps make better lunch decisions as well.

  2. Take my vitamins every day - This one has stayed pretty consistent and I am so happy about it! Now since the beginning of the year, I am taking different vitamins but nonetheless I am staying consistent with them which is great! I do this that this pill case from Amazon has helped me with staying consistent and then also keeping it in my nightstand helps! Also, it has morning and night separated and I just use it as two weeks and take them in the mornings!

  3. Read 12 books this year - This is one of those goals that defiantly took a back seat when we just had all of our visitors! I wanted to read 12 books this year but I have only read one so far. Its not that I don’t want to read, I just haven’t had/made the time to read these books! I listened to People We Meet on Vacation! I think next I will listen to The Last Mrs. Parrish… maybe I can still fit 12 books in, who knows! Here is the rest of my list.. I know that there aren’t 12 but I didn’t want to pick them all and then want to change or add one later on!

  4. Actually get ready everyday - I would say I am about 50/50 with this one, there are some days that I really have no reason to get ready and I am just doing computer work all day and I just choose to not get ready. Other days I do get ready and I really like it and feel great. But honestly this balance is just fine for me because my schedule is so inconsistent, I actually feel okay with this being more inconsistent. One thing I do want to try is to get ready more days than I don’t each week and that seems much more attainable!

  5. Work out more days than I don’t each month - The beginning of this goal was to use my Peloton more than 10 times each month which would make it cost less than $4 per use which is what I wanted. But I have actually been walking a lot more and overall just more willing to move my body lately which I am so happy about! I still want to workout more days in a month than I don’t but I haven’t been as strict with this because that was more of a tool to get back on track after weekends. But I feel like I don’t need that motivation lately! YAY.

Long story short, not everything has gone exactly according to plan but I actually feel okay about that which is really big for me! I usually have a very all or nothing personality but have been a lot better about that in the past few months and that has helped me a lot. I would love to hear an update on your resolutions!! You can comment below or you can email me at and I will get back to you ASAP!