Books to read in 2019

BOOKS TO READ IN 2019 | Books to Read in 2019 | Books to Read | New Year Goals | Books to Read in the New Year

One of my New Years resolutions for this year is to read a book a month. For accountability I am adding them to the blog and wanted to share them with you guys! I always feel better when I am reading and I actually think I write better content when I read. I’m not sure if I will go in this order but I will let you guys know when I start and end each one! Who knows, I might even add more to this list. Most of these books are ones that I have bought and then let other things take priority over reading. This list is also such a random assortment!

  1. Girl, Wash Your Face - Everyone and their mom (and my mom) have been recommending this book to me! So it is the first one on my list!

  2. The Devil Wears Prada - I chose this one because I never knew it was a book and I LOVE the movie. It also has really good reviews!

  3. The Joy Of Less: A Minimalist Guide to Declutter, Organize, and Simplify - I am very excited about this one, I think with traveling you definitely learn that less is more and your experiences are FAR better than things.

  4. Yes Please - This one has been on my list since it came out a couple of years ago but never pulled the trigger, it will happen this year!

  5. A Stranger in the House - I bought this before we went to Mexico last summer and read my other book first. Its a thriller and to be honest I have never read one.. I will keep you posted!

  6. When Life Gives you Lululemons - This is the sequel to The Devil Wears Prada and I have heard so many good things! Excited for this one!

  7. Not that Kind Of Girl - I have had this book for two years, maybe more.. ITS TIME lol

  8. Red Sparrow - This is another thriller but it sounded very interesting.. It sort of sounds like the movies Salt crossed with Taken lol so we will see how that goes. Plus its a movie so I can watch it after I read it and compare!

  9. Habits of a Happy Brain - this seems like a fun one to me, it has exercises to turn on the chemicals that make you happy.. might be crap, might be great ha we will find out!

  10. Eat, Pray, Love - This is a movie that I haven’t watched in my adult life but when I was searching for books to inspire travel, this came up multiple times. Thus, it made the list.

  11. Girl, Stop Apologizing - the sequel to number one on my list! It comes out on March 12th but you can preorder it here!

  12. Crazy Rich Asians - When this movie first came out I wasn’t actually that interested and then I found out it was based in Singapore and that just intrigued me, because I actually studied abroad in Singapore in college! So I want to read this one before I watch the movie.

I think we will call this the year of actually completing something lol I would like to read the ones I have purchased before going out and buying the ones I don’t have. I can’t wait to make my way through this list! At the end of the year I will do a recap post to review them and hopefully make a list for the following year!

Does anyone want to read these with me? Have you read any of them or have other recommendations?? Let me know if the comments!