8 Pairs of Shoes for Spring


I don’t know what has come over me in the last few weeks… I don’t know if its my STRONG desire for warmer weather, I don’t know if its from being stuck inside but I am on a major shoe kick right now! Usually I am on a {never-ending} lipstick/earring kick but right now its shoes and lets just say ya girl is on a budget but still wants to be able to achieve those fun spring looks and keep up with the trends!

I usually look to Target for trendy shoes just because they are more affordable and they will last the whole season, if not two seasons. I like the quality and the fit/feel of 90% of the Target shoes that I try on. But on the other hand, if its a style of shoe that I know that I will be able to wear it season after season because that style or trend will stay in style, then I might go ahead and purchase a little bit more expensive of a shoe. This will let me save money in the long run because I’m not going to have to rebuy that style next year!

Here are all of the shoes that I grabbed to try this year and I ended up loving them all! Numbers 5 and 7 I have had for many years. The Sam Edelman shoes literally got me through our Greece trip back in May of 2018!! If you are newer and missed those posts, you can read about them here! But the other 5 are new to me and I am loving them!

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |


Once we get back to a new normal you will see me wearing all of these for tons of different occasions. Date nights, grocery store runs, weddings, vacations.. there is something here for almost every occasion! I really wanted to tick all of the boxes when it came to what I was ordering. I would love to know which pair are your favorite?? Mine are number 3 for sure!

www.tarynintotravel.com | Shoes for Spring | Shoes to wear this spring | spring shoes | Sandals for Spring | Target Finds | Target Shoes | Madewell | Sam Edelman |
www.tarynintotravel.com | Shoes for Spring | Shoes to wear this spring | spring shoes | Sandals for Spring | Target Finds | Target Shoes | Madewell | Sam Edelman |
www.tarynintotravel.com | Shoes for Spring | Shoes to wear this spring | spring shoes | Sandals for Spring | Target Finds | Target Shoes | Madewell | Sam Edelman |